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Somewhere In Between is an adventure for the sci-fi horror role-playing game, Abandon All Hope 1E.


In Somewhere In Between the characters explore a part of Gehenna that was originally set aside for the criminally insane. But it appears that the "sanitarium" has been turned on its head since Perdition. During the course of their exploration the characters must make their way through a complex inhabited by dangerous lunatics to learn what exactly happened here to leave the hospital in such disarray. It soon becomes clear that there is more going on than just loose maniacs wreaking havoc, however, and that some mysterious person is behind the fate of the hospital and its inmates. Whoever it is, he seems keenly interested in the party’s attempts to learn about him, and the more they probe, the more bizarre the challenges he puts before them. What’s worse, the asylum itself seems to twist and change at the whims of this mysterious nemesis, so that before long the characters can‘t be sure if they are somewhere real or imaginary… or somewhere in between.

Somewhere In Between 1E [PDF]

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