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The current 3rd-Party License terms can be found below. These terms are not binding and any 3rd-Party Publisher will abide by the actual signed license. This page is for informational purposes only.

​This license is offered by Earl of Fife Games LLC for use in creating products compatible with the Heroes & Hardships® RPG. By signing this agreement, you agree to be bound by the terms of this license.
The intent of this license is to allow publishers of RPG material to produce supplemental products that are of high-quality, so that Heroes & Hardships® RPG customers have a greater access to Heroes & Hardships® RPG products.
1. Date of License.
Effective Date: This license commences immediately after Earl of Fife Games accepts the licensee’s signed agreement.
Duration: This license is perpetual and irrevocable for the product under license.
2. License Grant. Subject to the terms presented herein, Earl of Fife Games grants the licensee a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, worldwide license to publish licensed products as followers:
a. Eligible products: This license applies to printed books, electronic books, and Virtual Table Top (VTT) modules. These products must be categorized as settings or adventures.
b. Ineligible products: The licensee may not create products that consist only of system rules updates or modifications. The licensee may create new rules as a part of settings or adventures, upon the agreement of Earl of Fife Games when the product is approved.
c. Heroes & Hardships rules and materials: The licensee may make reference to Heroes & Hardships rules from the Heroes & Hardships Core Rulebook and the Heroes & Hardships GM’s Guide Vol. 1. The licensee may not make reference to any other Earl of Fife Games product without a new license not included herein.
d. Text copyright: The licensee may not reproduce text from the Heroes & Hardships Core Rulebook or Heroes & Hardships GM’s Guidle Vol. 1, except in the following special cases.
i. Stat Blocks: The licensee may copy the entire stat blocks of any item in the Heroes & Hardships Core Rulebook Bestiary chapter.
ii. Weapons & Armor: The licensee may copy all entries from the Weapons and Armor tables.
iii. Ancestries: The licensee may copy all Ancestries, including the list of associated Ancestry Traits. The licensee may not list the Ancestry Trait definitions and explanations for the Ancestry Traits list.
e. Heroes & Hardships compatibility statement: The licensee may make the following statement on the front and back covers and interior text of their products. “This product is compatible with the Heroes & Hardships® Core Rulebook.” Licensee may not otherwise include Heroes & Hardships (its logo or trade dress) on the cover of their product except for the compatibility logo.
f. Heroes & Hardships logo: The licensee must use one of the supplied Heroes & Hardships Compatible logos on their published products which are subject to this license.
g. Heroes & Hardships copyright statement: The licensee agrees to include the following text printed within the first 3 pages of the text of the published product: “This product is based on the Heroes & Hardships Core Rulebook, published by Earl of Fife Games LLC. This product is published under license. Heroes & Hardships® is a registered trademark of Earl of Fife Games LLC. All rights reserved. For additional information, visit or contact”
h. Redirect to Heroes & Hardships’ store: In addition to the Heroes & Hardships copyright statement, licensee will also provide a link to relevant Heroes & Hardships’ store. The licensee will use the following statements:
- DriveThruRPG: This product is compatible with the Heroes & Hardships® Core Rulebook which can be found here:<yourpublishername>
- Other Storefronts: This product is compatible with the Heroes & Hardships® Core Rulebook which can be found here:
You may also include a embedded link instead of the full URL.
i. Clear ownership: You may not use this license in a manner that implies Earl of Fife Games LLC owns, endores, or is responsible for your product.
3. Royalties. After the product is approved by Earl of Fife Games, a gross royalty of 0-5% will be negotiated and agreed to in section 15. “Product Agreement” of this licensee. Royalties must be paid on sales from the following storefronts, if they apply: DrivethruRPG,, Lulu, and any VTT storefront, including, but not limited to, Foundry VTT,, Fantasy Grounds, etc.
4. Transfer of Rights. This agreement does not transfer any copyrights or trademarks in any form from any party. Specifically, licensee agrees to the following:
Trademarks: All Earl of Fife Games LLC trademarks remain the property of Earl of Fife Games LLC and are used only under license. The term “Heroes & Hardships” remain a trademark of Earl of Fife Games LLC.
Copyrighted material: The licensee acknowledges that the Heroes & Hardships Core Rulebook remains the copyright of Earl of Fife Games LLC, and will not reprint text from the Heroes & Hardships Core Rulebook or any other licensed prodcut where the copyrighted material is owned by Earl of Fife Games LLC, expect under Section 2, sub sections i-iii of this license.
5. Quality standard. Licensee agrees to publish work considered of a high quality by Earl of Fife Games.
Approval Requirement: All work to be published under this license must be provided to Earl of Fife Games LLC for approval. Licensee agrees not to publish their product unless Earl of Fife Games approves product for publication.
Timeline: Earl of Fife Games agrees to provide a ruling on approval status within 30 days of submission.
Quality Standard: All work to be published under this licensee must be judged as “quality material” under the sole discretion of Earl of Fife Games.
5. Trade Dress
Licensee agrees to reproduce the compatibilty logo in a legible size on the front cover of their product.
You may not alter the color, design, typography, or proportions of the compatibility logo. You may alter the size so long as it remains legible. You may not obscure the compatibility logo in any way. The compatibility logo may not be the main logo on your product, and must be smaller than the main title and/or logo.
6. Advertising. You may use the “Compatible with Heroes & Hardships® logo in your advertising. Advertisements or web sites promoting this product must include the following text in a legible size and color: “Heroes & Hardsips® is a trademark of Earl of Fife Games LLC. For additional information, visit or contact”
7. Confidentiality. Licensee may come into contact with information that is not public knowledge. Licensee agrees not to divulge confidential information associated with this license of Heroes & Hardships®. The terms of this license and the Product Addendum are considered confidentail information.
8. Irrevocable. This license is irrevocable for the product under license. If updates to the license occur, the licensee must agree to a new contract in order to be bound to these updates. Products created under this license are considered licensed products and are bound to this contract irrevocably and cannot be cancelled or terminated.
9. Contact information. You agree to keep your contact information current with Earl of Fife Games.
10. Sample Product: You agree to send at least one digital copy to Earl of Fife Games after publication.
11. Jurisdiction. You agree that all disputes related to this license shall be governed by the State of Colorado, United States of America.
12. Warranties and limitation: Earl of Fife Games LLC makes no warranties about the suitability of this license for your business or product. Earl of Fife Games LLC is not obligated to provide support for your use of the license. Earl of Fife Games LLC may not be held liable for any damages resulting from your use of this license.
13. Indemnification: You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold Earl of Fife Games LLC harmless from any claims, demands, or suits brought with respect to any products produced by you.
14. Arbitration. The parties hereto shall make a reasonable attempt to settle any dispute, controversy, or difference (known as the Dispute), which may arise concerning this Agreement or breach thereof. If and when a Dispute is not settled by such means, then the Disputed shall be settled by (a) an alternate dispute resolution mechanism agreed to by the parties, or failing this, by (b) arbitration pursuant to the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association. The parties agree to be bound by any decision issued as a result of arbitration and that any award issued pursuant to such decision may be enforced by any court of competent jurisdiction. The place of arbitration shall be Colorado Springs or Denver, Colorado USA.
15. Product Agreement. The product listed below is approved as licensed under the Heroes & Hardships 3rd-Party License Agreement (this license). The licensee will pay a gross royalty listed below.
16. AI Art. The use of AI art is strictly prohibited. The use of programs such as Midjourney, Artbreeder, Stable Diffusion, etc, unlawfully use works of copyright originally created by artists. We do not condone the use of these AI programs.

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